These programs are designed to cure different problems without conventional medicine or surgery concerning bone and joint disease, neurological disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, sport injury, hormone imbalance, metabolic dysfunction, physical enhancement, abnormal body structure and muscle system deterioration.
The specialized procedures will diagnose and arrange types of treatment for patients with special design program for the best result in treatment and safety which return the body and life to become healthier and equilibrium.
BRC is unique from other centers. We offer holistic medical treatments to fix the problem at the cause of syndromes, instead of inactive approaches.
As BRC has our own state-of-the-art cell laboratory here in Bangkok, we have striven to utilize the latest technology to achieve the best result for our patients by using of cell therapy and PRP which is an uprising procedure in the world.
As an avant-garde medical center, BRC has tried to cover all essential needs. We have combined idea and entities from different disciplines to create what we call our “Interventional Regenerative Medicine”.
We have redefined conventional medicine with the basic science of HGH, Cell therapy, and PRP, blended with alternative ideas such as integrated chiropractic, physical medicine, hormone therapy and other supplements. Our treatment plans have shown a number of different successful approaches, all of which have enhanced the patient’s tissue to regenerate as never before.
Adopting this idea, we have refined and improved it to create a far superior protocol than anything out there. Our success speaks for itself that we are approaching result approximately 85% significant improvement in condition treated.