Dr. Ronnachai Manopaprasert , MD. (Spine & Joint)

Dr. Ronnachai’s expertise is on bone and joint. As an orthopedic surgeon, he has been working around with popular hospitals in Thailand such as BMA General Hospital, and Vajira Hospital. His certificates show explicitly how he can support you on the consultation and treatment:


  • Certificate of attendance Bangkok International Cell Therapy

  • Certificate of Training Spine Surgery, Department of Spine Surgery, Leopoldina Krankenhaus Schweinfurt, Germany

  • Certificate of Training Spine Surgery, Department of Trumatology and Orthopedics Klinik am Eichert, Akademisches Lehrkanenhaus der Universitat Ulm , Goeppingen , Germany

  • Certificate of Knee Surgery Clinical Fellowship, Universitatsklinikum Rostock , Rostock, Germany. Arthoplasty Unit , Orthopedics Department.